Resolution of Support · Strategic Plan · Sampson County Response Protocol · Board Minutes · Committee Schedule

10-19-05 · 01-03-06

Sampson County Meth Task Force
Meeting January 3, 2006

The Sampson County Meth Task Force met on January 3, 2006 at Sampson Community College in the Warren Student Center Boardroom.

Chair, J.W. Simmons, called the meeting to order at 8:30 am.

Present: J.W. Simmons; Sarah Bradshaw; Amber Cava; John Wengert; Dail Eason; Brenda Fisher; Stewart Hobbs; Pam Hamblen; Renee’ White; Mary Margaret Hobbs; Geraldine Shipp; Kelly Page; Ruth Holland; Dennis Newton; and Cory Oliver.

J.W. Simmons introduced Ms. Kelly Page with the SBI who is from Wilson, NC. One of her main duties is responding to Meth lab reports. Ms. Page was asked to elaborate on her duties. She presently covers 54 counties. Kelly feels that the work of the Sampson County Meth Task Force is very impressive. She refers other counties to Sampson County for information. The number of Meth labs in the state for 2004 was 322; 2005 was 325. She added that the new legislature will hopefully impact the growth of Meth labs in the state.

The minutes from the October 19, 2005 meeting were approved by the group with a motion from Sarah Bradshaw and seconded by Mary Margaret Hobbs.


Meth Summit: J.W. informed the group that Sarah Bradshaw, Amber Cava, Jenny Wood, John Wengert, and he have been working on the plans for the Meth Summit for January 25 th. Sarah continued by informing everyone that Amber Cava had created the brochure for the event which includes a full agenda. Amber added that she’d sent the brochure to other county Chamber members. Sarah continued that she’d also sent the brochure to the Director listserve. She feels the surrounding counties will attend. There is a January 13 th deadline for registration. The day of the Summit, meeting registration will be from 8:30 to 9:00. Jason Greillner will be the first speaker with Dan Heinz following. During lunch, Roy Copper, Attorney General, will speak about combating Meth. The Summit falls 10 days after the effective date of the new restrictions on pseudoephedrine.

Kelly Page explained the new law for the Task Force. There will be a 2 limit purchase per customer, per transaction of products that have pseudoephedrine in them. They will be required to be stored behind pharmacy counters. People will have to show i.d. for any purchase of these products and their names will show in a database. At this time, gelcaps and liquid form have been left out of this law. Theft is a big problem with it being accessible as it is now. The fact that it has to be placed behind the pharmacy counters will prohibit the sale at businesses that don’t have a pharmacy: i.e. most grocery stores, convenience stores, etc. It will take awhile to get enforcement of sales at these locations into place. The law goes into effect January 15 th. J.W. added that the key to preventing the manufacture of Meth is cutting back on the volume of sales of these necessary ingredients.

Sarah Bradshaw continued with information on the plans for the Summit. They are hoping to have a former Meth addict as a speaker. J.W. added that someone on the website had shared an interest in helping in any way they could. Sarah further stated that Worth Bolton will be the afternoon speaker and is very interesting. She thanked John Wengert for all the support with the facility expenses. Sara Boyer from Star Telephone has also been a great help to Amber and Sarah. Jenny Wood from Eastpointe is working on getting support for the break refreshment expenses. They need a head count by the 13 th in order to estimate for food needed. They are working on monetary contributions as well for all expenses. J.W. interjected that the registration fee for attendance is to support Jason Greillner’s flight, lodging and food. Star Telephone is paying for the Agri-Expo Center.

Sarah mentioned that Brett with Sampson Independent will be doing an article before the event and someone from the newspaper will be there the 25 th to cover the story.

Other Discussion: Per J.W., the brochure for the Meth Summit is being placed on-line by Chris Rayner so that it can be accessed by the public. WCLN is also going to do a promotion for the event. J.W. also advised the Task Force to go to the website and read the testimonials that are there. This section is very important and is completely anonymous. They are also screened for profanity before they are added. It would be good if the information about Meth addiction could get into the churches, businesses and to the general public because this is the strategic battle plan. He reminded the group to send links to Chris Rayner that they feel should be added. Sarah mentioned that she’s amazed at things Chris has done with the website and statewide, other DSS directors are looking at it. Chris has done an outstanding job for us.


Mission Statement: Sarah realized that the Task Force was supposed to work on a mission statement and drafted one prior to the meeting. A copy was passed out for the Task Force members to review. J.W. asked that the members look it over and to let us know if they saw a need to make changes to it. The following is the statement shared:

The Mission of the Sampson County METH Task Force is to confront the Methamphetamine Crisis by providing intervention opportunities designed to prevent or break the cycle of drug abuse caused by those who manufacture, sell or use Methamphetamine.

Other Discussion: J.W. discussed the important need to look at developing curriculum to educate schools. Cory Oliver added that education is the key. Developing a teaching tool that could possibly be used in schools, businesses and churches will have a positive impact. Stewart Hobbs added that the biggest problem is incorporating something new into the existing program and that resources also pose a problem. J.W. added that the funding issues would be workable. Sarah interjected that there are grants that can be obtained for programs for schools but, Sampson County doesn’t have a grant writer. We would have to contract one out to work on this for us.

Brenda Fisher informed them about the following: Robeson County has had grants to work on this type of program in their schools. They went in to reach 3 rd graders and did an All-Star Program. The children worked 1 hour a week and received certificates when they completed the curriculum. This program could possibly be purchased to use. J.W. added that the Task Force could look at programs that already exist. Renee White, Stewart Hobbs and Brenda Fisher volunteered as a subcommittee to work on this effort. Dennis Newton volunteered to check on a person for grant writing.

J.W. informed the group that Chris Hatcher, who was with Eastpointe, is now with the Department of Corrections in Kenansville and will be unable to continue with us. Jenny Wood will now be directly involved with the Task Force. Area law enforcement will be starting intensive training next week in relation to clandestine labs.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 am.